About Us

We bought our Sprinter in 2012. Since then it has been around the country. It has hauled golf clubs, hiking gear, kayaks, and vintage racing Go-Karts, and the contents of 2 homes. The Sprinter is probably the most versatile vehicle on the road. One thing I have learned about Sprinter owners is that they are just as versatile! Most are active, interesting and passionate enthusiasts.

These curtains were designed out of necessity. While traveling we found we needed a privacy curtain that could be quickly put up and taken down. The magnetic edge privacy curtain was born. I love to design, sew and solve problems. Each of these items has been constructed in my overcrowded , messy workroom which overlooks beautiful Lake Winnipausakee in quaint little Melvin Village, NH.

Just as ripples reach outward in a quiet and gentle way, this is our mission as well. Ripplewear operates as a cottage industry. We currently employ 3 widowed women and a young single mother. The opportunity to work from home allows them financial independence and a sense of worth.

Our goal is to keep our prices low and our quality high. Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority. We work individually with those who might want a custom product. There is pride in each and every piece that comes from Ripplewear and it shows in our satisfaction scores and positive feedback. The Ripplewear team is efficient and highly productive.

We appreciate your support in fostering our mission and look forward to working with you in a collaborative manner.